We have a couple of results for you from “our man over seas” Mark Yeulett is currently working and riding in Bermuda and has already put Sydenham Wheelers on the Bermudan Cycling Map.He is a second claim for the Bermuda Bicycle Association but rides in Sydenham kit…obviously! His results for the two events he has riden to date are:- 1/ 19th May – Crit 60 minutes +1 lap (25 miles) 6th place 2/ 26th May – Bank of Bermuda/Spa Water National Time Trial Championships 25.75 miles in 1.06.58 for 12th place out of 48. The times may not seem that hot but that because the course is made up of short circuits with lots of 180 degree turns (32 in the case of the TT) plus windy and hilly! More results can be found at www.bermudabicycle.org