Q10/24 Isle of Grain course at 9.00am


Having looked at the above site this morning there was concerns over roadworks, (actually looks like footpath building) with 30mph limit and a traffic light sign. Thanks to Tony LaMoury’s (7Oaks Tri) work colleague we have had confirmation that there is nothing there as of this morning. He will also keep us up to date if anything changes. Obviously you need to make be aware that there is a possibility of sudden cancellation if something does appear.

Following the way the Avanti’s event’s event ran smoothly last weekend, I don’t see any reason to change any of their suggestions put forward and I have also pinched their guidance rules (thanks Doug)!

Each rider to bring own pen and safety pins.
No static trainers,  warm up on the road only.
Go home once  you have finished the event and your number has been returned.
Need for working front and rear lights.
No money required, this will be resolved within the clubs.

The weather did look reasonable for Saturday morning earlier today, but already has changed. Hopefully it will change again.

There are now 5 of us running the event;

Richard Birtwistle
Doug Bentall
Pete Mahoney
Dave Mulford
Dave Twin

Let’s now get riders out on this flat course to score some points

Sydenham Wheelers Guidance for Interclub TT entrants during Covid