When you get up at 4 in the morning and there isn’t a cloud in the sky and the recent wind seems to have dropped you hope for good things! Of course once you get to the event the cloud is building up big time and the wind is reappearing. On top of that it start drizzling on the return leg. It also looked like it was going to be a good turnout of both first and second claim members with 4 first and 3 second entered. However on the day only 4 actually rode. Of those riders the results were David Twin 1.04.52 (29th), Kevin Beament 1.05.03 (30th), Bob Loader 1.33.21 (51st) and 2nd claim member Richard Tully 57.12 (7th). The event was won by Pete Tadros In¬-Gear Quickvit Trainsharp RT in 52.55.